Measuring and communicating the progress of recovery increases public confidence in the recovery process by promoting transparency, accountability and efficiency. It enables local leadership to…
Most community disaster recovery operations result in a Long-term Community Recovery Plan (LTCR) or Recovery Actions List(s) that will provide guidance to the disaster-stricken community…
In a post-disaster recovery environment, existing and new groups emerge to give support for, provide assistance to, and set agendas for community needs and long-term…
Community disaster recovery is a long and arduous process that involves a litany of efforts involved with the reconstitution of services, rebuilding, and redevelopment. Recovery…
Identifying and incorporating mitigation actions into the recovery process are the foundation of a truly effective community recovery process. Mitigation, as defined by FEMA, is…
Tough decisions are to be expected in any community's disaster recovery process. Communities will be presented with multiple recovery alternatives whose benefits and challenges may…
The Community disaster recovery process is action-oriented and based upon the core planning principles of: 1) community driven, 2) public involvement, and 3) locally controlled. …
One of the most immediate, and critical, operational needs for ESF 14 is the timely and accurate assessment of post-disaster community needs that is incorporated…
The severity and impacts of the event, as well as the disaster-experience, capability, capacity, and perspective of the affected individuals and groups, will have profound…
The corner stone to an effective community recovery strategy is a sound management plan that is supported by community leaders, elected officials, and disaster management…