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Mitigation, Preparedness, Response, Recovery

As we look ahead to the next flooding season, we must remain vigilant about the threat that flooding poses to communities nationwide. When floods overwhelm defenses, the devastation can be immense – homes, businesses, and critical infrastructure damaged or destroyed; economies disrupted; livelihoods ruined; emotional and physical health impacted. Climate change may further intensify rainfall and storms, bringing more frequent and extreme flooding. All communities are vulnerable in some way. Those with fewer resources suffer disproportionately. But preparation and mitigation can reduce risks and pave the way to recovery.

By working cooperatively now on protective infrastructure, assistance funds, response coordination, restoration projects, and continuity planning, we can build resilience against flood loss and distress. Staying attuned to flood dangers will help safeguard our collective well-being now and in the future. With vigilance and compassionate action, we can weather coming storms.

If you need assistance Call today to partner with the emergency management and rebuilding experts at ISC – our evidence-based flood solutions allow rapid rebounding. With us, communities can face these threats confidently.

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    Can Our Community Effectively Respond to a Damaging Flood?

    Flooding poses a serious threat to communities across the nation year after year. When floodwaters overwhelm defenses, the effects can be utterly devastating – homes, businesses, and infrastructure critically damaged or ruined; local economies brought to a standstill; livelihoods lost; health and wellbeing impacted. Climate change threatens to make matters worse by intensifying heavy rainfall and storms, leading to more frequent and extreme flooding. No community is immune from potential harm. Those with the fewest resources often bear the heaviest burden, as they struggle to recover. But with vigilance and compassionate action, we can mitigate dangers and build resilience in the face of this threat.

    By working cooperatively now on protective infrastructure upgrades, assistance funds for vulnerable groups, coordinated emergency response plans, floodplain and wetland restoration projects, and continuity planning for schools and healthcare facilities, communities can greatly reduce their flood risk and pave the way for more rapid recovery. Public education campaigns focused on flood preparedness and insurance options also play a vital role. As flooding may only worsen with climate change in the coming years, we must remain attuned to the threat and left no community behind to face future storms and floods alone. With shared vigilance, resources and responsible development policies, we can weather the tide and build safer, stronger and more climate-resilient communities for all.

    Disaster Software Solutions

    Flood Toolkits

    Resources to help you prepare, respond, and recover!

    Contracting Made Easy – Emergency Contract Vehicles

    Following a declared state of emergency, the Federal Government allows local and state government to bypass their standard procurement policies and implement emergency procurement procedures. In times of emergency, understanding these unique contract vehicles can be essential in saving time, money, and resources. ISC has expertise working with these unique contract vehicles, which allow us to guide our clients on how to navigate the contracting process easily and expeditiously.

    Contracting with ISC is easy, and a number of pre-established contract vehicles can be utilized to facilitate the procurement process

    Our Experience

    A program management software tool, A best-fit technology solutions for organizations and consulting companies.

    The industry’s most powerful and intuitive comprehensive emergency program management and planning system. A complete platform of independent but integrated web-based tools designed to alleviate the burden on planning and preparedness professionals, OES means you can more effectively manage the comprehensive cycle of preparation, response, recovery, and mitigation.