Most community disaster recovery operations result in a Long-term Community Recovery Plan (LTCR) or Recovery Actions List(s) that will provide guidance to the disaster-stricken community as it progresses down the pathway of recovery. LTCR and Recovery Action Lists are unique to the community and portray the goals that express the long-term recovery vision of the community members that were developed through the participatory planning process. It is important to recognize that although LTCR Plans and Action List present a broad breadth of recovery projects and action-oriented recovery alternatives, these plans do not provide strategies as to how to implement these projects or provide communities with guidance on how to navigate the various recovery assistance programs or how best to manage the recovery process.
Obtaining commitment to the Community Recovery Plan or Recovery Action List(s) by community leaders, key stakeholders and public officials outside of the disaster-stricken community is a necessity for sustained long-term community recovery activities, regardless of how small or significant these commitments may be. A written testimony of commitment provides physical testimony that an act of commitment has occurred. A documented and public commitment will garnish the support of others, providing a foundation for future support and acknowledgement that will create an influential force of community improvement and change.