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ISC recognizes that catastrophic response and recovery efforts are forward-looking and possess a strategic focus on the permanent restoration (i.e., infrastructure, housing, economy, etc.) of a community. ISC has demonstrated knowledge in working under the auspices of the National Response Framework (NRF) and developing planning doctrine that is consistent with the comprehensive emergency management structure, enabling ISC to effectively identify, integrate, and implement effective and efficient catastrophic response and recovery efforts.

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The development of the National Response Plan (NRP) in 2004, and its successor document the NRF in 2008, provided systematic improvements to national incident management and operational planning as defined by the Federal Response Plan (FRP). The NRP and the NRF established a comprehensive, national, all-hazards approach to catastrophic incident management across a spectrum of activities. ISC has responded to catastrophic events under the FRP, NRP, and NRF, providing a unique and valued perspective of the life cycle of the nation’s incident response and management procedures and protocols.

ISC has been requested on several occasions to provide technical assistance to assess and evaluate the National Catastrophic Planning and Program efforts, provide recommendations on its improvement and enhancement, and to operate under its purview during large-scale emergencies, disasters, and catastrophic events.