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Failure to run an efficient operation can have significant negative effects on the community, including slow distribution, resource waste, increases in operation duration, and service gaps (requiring additional resources later). Further, lack of jurisdictional vaccination coordination leads to bad press, duplication of efforts, and credibility issues within the operation.


How do we ensure program success?

A vaccination program can only be successful when it has the necessary resources, support, coordination, and expertise behind it. A program must be all-inclusive, and address the following:

At ISC we have the resources and expertise to assist you in all facets of your Mass Vaccination efforts.

By leveraging our experience working within the public health and medical sector supporting directly funded cities and large urban counties we can ensure you have the resources and guidance you need to run a successful mass vaccination program.



In 2009 ISC led a mass vaccination campaign for the Chicago Dept. of Public Health, staffing the Public Health Emergency Operations Center, Dispensing and Vaccination Centers, and Receipt, Storage, and Staging sites.


In 2014 ISC developed a regional coordination strategy for High Consequence Infectious Diseases for Dallas. ISC also conducted Ebola AARs and HSEEP exercises for Chicago, Dallas, and Cincinnati.


In 2016, ISC developed guides, delivered training, and conducted exercises on Point of Dispensing operations for Chicago, Phoenix, Kansas City, and Miami.


ISC is supporting numerous counties, municipalities, hospitals, universities and schools across the nation to provide technical assistance in identifying COVID-19 eligible costs for FEMA Public Assistance. ISC has identified and secured over $20 million dollars in eligible FEMA Public Assistance for COVID-19